Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Work out with your Dog!

The personal trainer that can make pet owners skinny. The fun workout includes (wo)man's best friend. That's right! Your four legged BFF can also double as the best gym partner money can buy. Bonus: Pet owners live longer, read on...

Not only does your dog live to spend time with you they also require a certain level of physical activity and absolutely LOVE the great outdoors. For example, my Siberian, Rogue and I take long runs around our neighborhood, she keeps me going when I start to lose focus and vice versa. We cheer each other on and get through it together; it is a way for us to bond and on top of that, she makes working out fun!

Further, it is a proven fact that people who own dogs are healthier than those who do not! Why, you ask? The ownership of a dog tends to lead to an increase in physical activity and therefore, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Not much of a fan of running? That's perfectly fine; your furry friend doesn’t mind walking briskly, or simply just walking.

If you're more athletic try some canine interval training. What you will need: one tennis ball. Head outside with your companion, throw the ball and sprint as fast as you can to try and beat your dog to retrieving it. After about the eighth time you will have torched a serious amount of calories and both of you will have gotten a great workout.

Before you run out the door after reading this article there are a few things to consider:

· Wait until your dog is full grown: You want their bones to be fully mature before taking them out for a spin.
· Ease your dog into running: Just because you're an experienced runner doesn’t mean your dog is. Add on the mileage slowly and soon you will see them outrun you!
· Keep them hydrated: Carry enough water with you for both yourself and the dog. Portable water bowls really come in handy here!
· Stick to trails: Pavement is ok, but harsh on both you and your dog's joints. Softer surfaces absorb the shock better.
· Keep your dog on leash: Even if your dog is great off leash, there is no telling what may happen when he sees another dog or animal. If your dog pulls a lot and is hard to control, the Gentle Leader works wonders!
· Don’t forget to bring your poop bag dispenser: C'mon, be honest you wouldn't like it if you stepped in it.
· Be cautious of heat exhaustion: Especially during the dog days of summer (no pun intended). Signs to look for include, panting, slowing down, foaming at the mouth, weakness, inability to stand, uncontrolled movement, agitation and glazed eyes. If you notice this happening to your pup cool them down immediately by wetting him with cool water and getting him into the shade. Kiddie pools work well too! If your dog starts vomiting or doesn't improve within 10 minutes seek a veterinary hospital, like NorthStar VETS, 24 Hour Emergency, Trauma, and Specialty Center at 609.259.8300, as soon as possible. Hospital location is minutes from Six Flags Great Adventure, NJ and seconds from the Jackson Outlet Mall.

Working out with your dog is a fantastic way to spice up your routine and slim down. Next, time we can chat about canine crunches,pooch ups, and places you can take your dog on the Jersey Shore.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Equine Opthalmology Event

In addition to our fun drive-in, you can also join us for a FREE lecture from Kristina Vygantas, DVM, DACVO on Equine Opthalmology and When you should call your veterinarian? The event will be eld at Rick's Saddle Shop in Cream Ridge, NJ. As always you can expect a great lecture, and we'll even feed you!

Hope you can make it!

Do you have a hot date?

Today, I had several hot dates. When I say hot I mean 90 degrees full of sunshine and making on the road making my rounds. My morning began at 8am with a Brick Chamber of Commerce Networking Event, followed by visiting clients, and running some other marketing related errands. I have finally had a moment to get back to my desk to share the details of my day with you as I catch up on my 2nd life on the glorious internet.
While, I have had several HOT dates today I wanted to invite you to a special "Date Night at the Drive-In" hosted by yours truly....NorthStar VETS! I don't know about you but finding a drive-in in NJ is tough, and finding a FREE one is even tougher. Further, what is a better way to spend a night out with your friends, and family than outdoors on a nice night with popcorn, snacks and nice cold one? So register now right online to guarantee your spot!

We are hosting this on the future home of NorthStar VETS. Thats right, we're moving, dead smack into the center of NJ. BUT, not too far from where we are already located, as a matter of fact only 10 minutes West. But, we are building a State-of-the-Art Veterinary Emergency, Trauma and Specialty Hospital to not only care for your pets, but also to care for you. Check out our latest progress here: Get ready for a whole new perspective on client service and stay tuned for the way we plan to revolutionize veterinary medicine!

PS Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @NorthStarVETS or Friend us on Facebook!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

-Nicole At NorthStar VETS